Un monastero aldobrandesco sul monte Amiata: S. Trinità di Monte Calvo nei secoli XII-XIV, by Michele Nucciotti
The contribution aims to provide a synthesis of the history of the nunnery of St. Trinità in Monte Calvo, on Mount Amiata, for the 11th-14th centuries. In particular, the relationship between the Benedictine foundation, the settlement choices and territorial governance modalities of the domus Aldobrandesca, in Amiata and Maremma, are highlighted. Even the short chronological period considered corresponds to the phase of greater re-elaboration of medieval habitat in southern Tuscany, in fact coinciding with the times of the first and second incastellamento. St. Trinità in Monte Calvo played a specific role in this process, favouring the coagulation of economic and political interests of the middle aristocrats of the County around the Aldobrandeschi headquarters of Santa Fiora. Finally, it is proposed to contextualize the disappearance of the monastic institution in the framework of the political, socio-economic and settlement strategies adopted by the domus Aldobrandesca at the dawn of the fourteenth century, with the foundation of the burgus of Santa Fiora.
Keywords: Aldobrandeschi, Toscana e Amiata medievale, S. Trinità di Monte Calvo, Storia territoriale, Archeologia leggera.

Attività mercantili e finanziarie nelle città italiane dei secoli XII-XV: spunti e riflessioni sulla base della più recente storiografia, by Sergio Tognetti
The essay discusses the role played by commercial and financial activities in the structuring of urban economies in late medieval Italy. Adopting a perspective that takes more account of trade on a regional scale as the primum movens of the commercial revolution, the author analyzes three different economic cycles: the one linked to the great and general expansion of the XII-XIII centuries, the one that is framed under the label of the ‘fourteenth crisis’ and finally the new fifteenth-century expansive phase which is located in the context of the regional Renaissance states. Among the ‘variables’ at the center of the discussion a central position is reserved to the subject of competition (both internal and international) and to the weight exerted by politics, with an eye for the Catalan-Aragonese expansion in the Mediterranean between the XIV and XV centuries.
Keywords: Medieval trade and banking, Italian urban economies, Economic competition in late Middle Ages.

The collective asset structures between history and juridical anthropology, by Fiore Fontanarosa
The aim of the paper is to analyze the justifying reasons for the continuing relevance of civic uses and collective properties. The renewed interest that the scientific community is currently manifesting in relation to the collective land seems to have found ‘new life’ in the heated debate that is taking place with regard to the configuration and delimitation of ‘common goods’. Collective ownership will be analyzed, both from a historical anthropological and an economic point of view. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate that collective lands represent, not only a historical phenomenon, but a socio-juridical institution characterized by ‘actuality’ and ‘vitality’; an institution, therefore, which does not represent a residue of archaic societies but which is still able, in the era of modernity, to receive legal legitimacy because its ability to manage, in an efficient and sustainable manner, the natural resources.
Keywords: Civic uses, Collective ownership, Commons, Legal anthropology, Economic analysis of law.

The Journal by Ermellina Bargagli Stoffi: the worldly self-representation of a young aristocrat, by Aurora Savelli
This text examines the recently published diary of a young aristocrat, Ermellina Douglas Bargagli Stoffi (Piacenza 1851-Siena 1871), to point up its numerous areas of interest. The diary records what the writer considers interesting; it is in effect a record of that which she considered worthy of handing down to a future readership to retrace a strongly selective life experience. The text offers us a precious insight into the social life of the aristocracy: the protagonist, along with the writer, is an aristocracy ‘with a European outlook’, a truly international aristocracy which, now relegated to marginal roles in the world of politics, clings tenaciously to behavioural models on which their class identity rests. So, the diary is primarily a complement to the writer’s social role, a strong echo and, at the same time a strengthening of her social identity and his rank.
Keywords: 19th Century, Aristocracy, Women’s History, Women’s diaries.

«La Santa Russia». World War I, the two Russian revolutions of 1917 and the youth Italian socialists, by Daria De Donno
Through different types of sources, this contribution intends to analyse the influence that the reverberations of the two Russian revolutions of 1917 (that of February and that of October) had on the young Italian socialists during the last two years of World War I; young subversives that, from the beginning of the European war, were already committed in a harsh and violent anti-war struggle. Attention will be paid in particular to the Southern youth intransigent movement and to the role played by some regional political leaders which, through an extensive organizational plot, promote a series of initiatives that, after the October revolution, flow in a general project of revolt “for peace and for the socialization of the land” and rebellion against the organized forces of the State.
Keywords: First World War; Revolutions; History of Youth.

The contemporary navies: historiography and recent literature, by Fabio De Ninno
During the last two decades, researches in Maritime and Naval History were subject of a huge expansion and renewal. Contemporary Naval history freed from the technical dimension and the history of wars at sea, to interact more with political, economic and social history. Italy seems to have been isolated from this historiographical renewal. The article aims to present to the Italian reader a synopsis of the recent developments of contemporary naval history on the international stage, showing how today making naval history is a path for a better comprehension of the last two centuries. Indeed, the centrality of navies as instruments of international relations, or as symbols of the modern state, the way in which they operate as think-thanks for political and cultural life, allows an in depth-look through the historical problems of contemporary history, because of navies stood at the centre of modern states life.
Keywords: Maritime History, Naval History, History of Institutions, Sea in History.

Il neo-fascismo una categoria analitica, by Matteo Albanese
Europe has always been one of the main fascist “invention”. Europe as a fortress as a closed place both racially and culturally this was the model. Few years after the end of the WWII a small Belgian group lead by a former Nazi collaborator settled down Jeune Europe. JE was the first neofascist experiment of creating a fully transnational and European group. Within few years JE created 11 branches all around the continent starting from a vision that spoke about European Nationalism, a critique towards both US and SSR models, rejection towards democracy and a strong defense of the white European culture. This article deals with the history of the Italian branch of JE both from a political and ideological point of view. The aim of this article is to participate into the large debate on continuity between neofascist groups and the extreme right-wing group present in Europe nowadays.
Keywords: Neo Fascism, Racism, Extreme Right, Europe Nation.

A reciprocal relationship: the 1977 movement in Italy and the political system, by Domenico Sacco
The seventies are presented as a period of transition between political cycle begun after the Second World War and the beginning of the emergence of some fundamental characters that will have full manifestation at a later stage. The essay reconstructs the reciprocal relationship between the 1977 protest movement in Italy and the political system with particular reference to the strategy of the “historical compromise” developed and pursued by the Communist Party. The crisis of the center-left government coalition and the formation of the so-called “second society”. The article also analyzes the values of “long term” in which these phenomena can be interpreted. The crisis of the political culture of the extreme left and of the protest movements in the post-modernity and the beginning of the gradual decline of the Communist Party will emerge.
Keywords: The seventies, Political system, Movement of 1977, Historic compromise, Italian Communist Party.