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Andreas P. Andreou: he is Professor of History and Culture in Education at the Department of Primary Education, University of Western Macedonia, Greece. His research interests are in history didactics, local history, museum education, textbooks research and public history. He has published several papers in scientific journals and books about history and history teaching.

Kostas Kasvikis: he is Assistant Professor of History and Culture Didactics at the Department of Primary Education, University of Western Macedonia, Greece. He has designed educational material and activities for archaeological sites and museums. His research interests include history didactics, museum education, textbooks research, public archaeology and the politics of the past.

Konstantinos Katsanos: he received the B.A. degree in History from the University of Belgrade, Serbia, and the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the History and Archaeology Dept., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. His main field of research at present is the Greek – Serbian/Yugoslav relation and the Macedonian Question. He is the author of To “anyparkto” zitima. I ellinoyugoslavikes sheseis kai to Makedoniko, 1950-1967 [The “Non Issue”. The Greek-Yugoslav relations and the Macedonian Question, 1950-1967], (Thessaloniki, 2013)

Georgios Antoniou: he is Academic Associate in the International Hellenic University. He also teaches European History at the Hellenic Open University. Dr. Antoniou received his PhD in History and Civilization from the European University Institute of Florence (2007). He is a former Research Fellow of the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah in Paris (2005-2007) and a former visiting lecturer at Yale University (2007-2008). He was also a visiting lecturer at the University of Cyprus (2008-2009).

Eleni Paschaloudi: she has completed her PhD in Balkan, Slavonic and Oriental studies in the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece (2009). Her research focuses on issues of memory, political identity and Civil War. She published several articles and she is the author of the book A War without an End. The 1940s in the Discourse of the Greek Political Parties, 1950-1967, Thessaloniki, Epikentro Publications, 2010.

Stratos Dordanas: Lecturer in History, Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies, University of Macedonia (Thessaloniki), Greece. His interests are focused in the study of relations between Germany and the Balkan countries (19th-20th century), as well as on questions regarding the history of the Greek Macedonian region. He specializes in the political-diplomatic and social history, in the study of military and civil conflicts, and in the two world wars.

Kostis Kornetis: from 2007 to 2012 he taught in the History Department at Brown University. He is currently Assistant Professor at the Center for European and Mediterranean Studies at New York University. His research focuses on the history and memory of the social movements of the 1960s, the methodology of oral history, and the use of film as a source for social and cultural history.

Harris Athanasiades: he is a historian of education. His research focuses on: (a) the influence of teacher unions on the formation of state educational policy, and (b) the social controversy concerning the relation between schooling and nation. He has taught at the University of Crete (2002-2004) and the University of Ioannina (2005-present). He has published three books and 22 peer-reviewed articles.

Mitsos Bilalis: he is Assistant Professor of Theory and Technology of Historical Information at the University of Thessaly, Department of History, Archaeology, Social Anthropology (Volos, Greece). He studied History at the National and Kapodestrian University of Athens and University of Sofia “Sv. Kliment Ohridski”. He has published on contemporary visual culture, social history of information and historical culture in the digital domain.

Tasoula Vervenioti: she is a freelance historian. Her research has been focused on the social history of the 1940s. She has published four books: The Resistance Woman  (Odysseas Publications 1994 and Koukkida 2013), Τhe Double Book (Vivliorama 2003), which has been awarded the National Prize on Chronicle-Testimony 2004, Representations of History (Melissa Publications 2009), a historical photo album and Κoula Xiradaki. The Biography of a Self-Educated Historian (Koukkida 2012).


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